
What is ADHD?  Understanding ADHD in Both Adults and Kids

Phoenix Pointe Psychiatry

What is ADHD?  Understanding ADHD in Both Adults and Kids

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurological condition that affects individuals of all ages, presenting unique challenges in focus, impulse control, and hyperactivity.

In this blog post, we will unravel the intricacies of ADHD, exploring how it manifests in both adults and kids, and highlight the importance of seeking evaluation and treatment at a specialized center like Phoenix Pointe Psychiatry in Tempe, Arizona.

Defining ADHD

What is ADHD? ADHD is characterized by persistent patterns of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that can significantly impact daily functioning. While it's commonly associated with childhood, ADHD often persists into adolescence and adulthood, posing challenges across various aspects of life.

What are the Symptoms of ADHD in Kids?

In children, ADHD may manifest as:

1. Inattention: Difficulty sustaining attention, frequent careless mistakes, forgetfulness, and difficulty organizing tasks.

2. Hyperactivity: Restlessness, fidgeting, impulsivity, and difficulty engaging in quiet activities.

3. Impulsivity: Acting without considering consequences, interrupting others, and difficulty waiting for turns.

What are the Symptoms of ADHD in Adults?

ADHD doesn't magically disappear with age. Many individuals carry it into adulthood, where symptoms may manifest differently:

1. Inattention: Struggling with organization, time management, and maintaining focus on tasks.

2. Impulsivity: Difficulty controlling impulses, leading to impulsive decisions and actions.

3. Hyperactivity: While less pronounced than in childhood, adults with ADHD may experience a sense of restlessness or inner agitation.

How to Treat ADHD?

When it comes to ADHD evaluation and treatment, Phoenix Pointe Psychiatry in Tempe, Arizona, stands as a leading provider of specialized care. The clinic's dedicated team of professionals recognizes the unique needs of both children and adults dealing with ADHD.

Comprehensive Evaluation

Phoenix Pointe Psychiatry begins the journey towards effective ADHD management with comprehensive evaluations. These assessments take into account not only the symptoms but also the individual's unique strengths and challenges, allowing for a personalized treatment approach.

Evidence-Based Interventions

The clinic offers evidence-based interventions, including behavioral counseling and medication management, tailored to address the specific needs of each patient. These interventions aim to enhance executive functioning, improve focus, and develop coping strategies for both children and adults dealing with ADHD.

Education and Support

Understanding that ADHD affects not only the individual but also their families, Phoenix Pointe Psychiatry serving those in Chandler Arizona provides education and support to help navigate the challenges associated with the condition. This holistic approach fosters a supportive environment for both children and adults, promoting overall well-being.


ADHD is a multifaceted condition that spans across age groups, impacting the lives of both children and adults. Seeking specialized care is crucial for effective evaluation and treatment. Phoenix Pointe Psychiatry in Tempe, Arizona, stands out as a beacon of expertise, providing comprehensive and compassionate care to help individuals and their families navigate the complexities of ADHD. Remember, with the right support, there is a path towards understanding, management, and success for those dealing with ADHD.